
Announcing SkyRealm

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Sachin Kumar Anumula
Sachin Kumar Anumula is a product that I built to always ground my solutions with latest guidance from Cloud Providers. I hope this helps someone build contextual knowledge drawing from a wealth of knowledge at AWS, Azure and Google Cloud.

Drawing from two decades of experience in tech and working on a variety of Products, Platforms and Programs I always found the need for refining solutions that are best fit for the problem space. Though you can google or these days LLM your way to a solution it does not set you up for the solution that encompasses the full lifecycle from inception to keeping the lights on. SkyRealm hopes to broaden your understanding through reference architecture catalog, architectural diagrams carousel and cognitive search so you can design and build the best.

SkyRealm in a nutshell

skyrealm in a nutshell

SkyRealm features

skyrealm features Explore the feature set with SkyRealm docs

Give it a shot! If you are learning or established seasoned cloud architect, you would be working with a knowledge base of 4GB with over 1K reference architectures, solutions and designs from AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. will guide you to build your products cloud native, the right way.